Hello! It's Me

Hello guys!

How are you? It's me Kania Andiniwati, you can call me Kania or Nia, but some people call me Wati, you can call me whatever you want. Honestly i don't know what to write, But first let me introduce my self yaa!

You know my name right? yes, my name is Kania Andiniwati, i was born in Bandung, April 4th, 2005. This year i am 17, i'm so excited! because i will have identify card and Driving License. Now i'm studying at Bandung 3 senior high school. My hobby is watching movie and watching korean's drama. I also sleep a lot, which makes me even more lazy to do activities, and finally my body often feels achy. Netizens have a nickname, namely "remaja jompo" HAHAHAHA it relates to some teenegers like me.

That's all for my introduction, sorry it looks boring, because I don't know what else to write. I hope you enjoy it! see you next blog!


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